El asombro de existir a través del espejo.


  • Abril Neukirchen Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Humanidades y Artes. Rosario; Argentina.


I Acevedo, autobiography, mirror, writing


This essay aims to analyze I. Acevedo’s autobiography, Una idea genial (2010), based on the traces left by the subject presented in it, Inés, as she journeys from the hostile Napaleofú toward literature. Her search for herself intertwines with the desire to escape a place where she has always felt like a foreigner. In this displacement, two figures are central: the mirror and the brilliant idea. Through the former, Inés discovers herself; she encounters an image that surprises her, yet does not make her feel entirely alien; the one present is not preceded by the in of the negative: she is an in-credible subject. Thanks to the latter, she completes her metamorphosis and reaffirms herself in the world of paper to which she has fled. Thus, the mirror and literature transform into refractors of worlds, at the intersection where it seems possible for Inés to turn her parents “outstanding” status into a brilliant idea.


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Author Biography

Abril Neukirchen, Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Humanidades y Artes. Rosario; Argentina.

Estudiante avanzada del Profesorado y la Licenciatura en Letras en la Facultad de Humanidades y Artes de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario, habiendo ingresado en el año 2021. Desde 2023 es ayudante alumna de Análisis del Texto en la comisión 1 y de Literatura Europea II (parte general y parte específica de Literatura Inglesa). Participó como expositora en la XI Jornada de Escritura, Enseñanza e Investigación de la Facultad de Humanidades y Artes. Además, formó parte del equipo de asistentes del IV Coloquio Internacional Literatura y Vida y del 16th International NooJ Conference.


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