La composición de la Patagonia a partir de las escenas dialógicas en la Australia Argentina de Roberto Payró
dialogue, landscape, territory, Roberto Payró, PatagoniaAbstract
In this article we aim to explore how Argentinian Patagonia is portrayed in La Australia Argentina (1898) by Roberto Payró, focusing on its representation through dialogues with other travelers and residents of the region. The conversations and interviews featured in these chronicles—originally published in La Nación—offer valuable insights. First, they highlight a sharp critique of the government, which, according to Payró, is responsible for the region’s stagnation. Second, they reveal the outlines of a potential alternative socioeconomic vision for the future of the State. Finally, these dialogues contribute to shaping the region’s identity as a landscape. Together, these observations forge a new vision of Patagonian space while reinforcing Argentinian sovereignty over the region.
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